Classes and Workshops
We Believe in Play, Open Ended Opportunities To Learn and Ingenuity Whenever Possible. All Classes have a FrAmework and Everyone Will be Encouraged to Engage in Each Activity in Their Own Way. We will Be Making Space for All Abilities and Identities.
Believe in the Process. Learning Is a Journey with 100 LanguAgeS.
BW&W: Reptiles & Amphibians (Live animal presentation)
Ages 5-15
November 21, 2018
Live Animal Presentation from Wings and Wishes (out of Edmonton):
How many kinds of frogs do we have in Alberta? How many kinds of toads? Snakes? Or Salamanders? Examples of these are brought in for a visit with the kids for an exciting, safe and memorable hands-on learning experience focused on native species, but with a side-by-side comparison of beautiful, charismatic exotic animals we can all fall in love with.
Suitable for all ages
Curriculum base: Gr2, "Small Crawling and Flying," Gr3, "Hearing and Sound," Gr3, "Animal Life Cycles."
DIY Skateboard Deck
Ages 9-15
August 26, 2019
Aug 26-30 Ages 9-15
Lil’Rocket or Street Deck
9:00-4:00………..225.00 (afternoon forest school)
Choose between a lil'Rocket or Street Deck and go through the process of laminating the Canadian maple veneers and shaping them using pressure and glue. Basic woodworking using hand tools instructed by a Red Seal Journeyman Carpenter for safety and adaptability. The week will include time to construct the board, learn about the history of skateboards, design and finish the skateboards using a polyurethane finish. This class is adaptable to skill level and includes all personal protective equipment, tools, grip tape, deck materials and art supplies needed to finish the project.
Wheels and Trucks are not included but can be purchased for a 65.00 materials fee including installation.
Participants will:
Learn how skateboards are constructed through hands-on experience.
Complete the project from start to finish using hand tools and teamwork.
Construct a fully functional skateboard deck using maple veneer, glue and air pressure.
Finish the skateboard deck including artwork and a protective clear-coat.
Tumbleweed Expressive Arts - Monday July 29
July 29, 2019
Ages 5-11
Explore storytelling through dance, music making, drama, words and visual arts.
Expressive arts uses an array of creative processes to explore feelings, process anxiety and experiment with possibilities so as to foster emotional growth and development. This is a process based class with the freedom to make messes, try new things and to practice techniques that cultivate self-expression.
Tumbleweed Expressive Arts - Tuesday July 30
July 30, 2019
Ages 5-11
Explore storytelling through dance, music making, drama, words and visual arts.
Expressive arts uses an array of creative processes to explore feelings, process anxiety and experiment with possibilities so as to foster emotional growth and development. This is a process based class with the freedom to make messes, try new things and to practice techniques that cultivate self-expression.
Tumbleweed Expressive Arts - Wednesday July 31
July 31, 2019
Ages 5-11
Explore storytelling through dance, music making, drama, words and visual arts.
Expressive arts uses an array of creative processes to explore feelings, process anxiety and experiment with possibilities so as to foster emotional growth and development. This is a process based class with the freedom to make messes, try new things and to practice techniques that cultivate self-expression.
3 Day Bundle - Expressive Arts (July 29-31)
July 29, 2019
SAVE 10.00 by registering for all 3 days. July 29-31 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) from 9:30-12:30
Ages 5-11
Explore storytelling through dance, music making, drama, words and visual arts.
Expressive arts uses an array of creative processes to explore feelings, process anxiety and experiment with possibilities so as to foster emotional growth and development. This is a process based class with the freedom to make messes, try new things and to practice techniques that cultivate self-expression.
MIM: Animal Adaptations
Ages 5-12
July 22, 2019
Minds in Motion: UofC presents
Explore evolutionary animal adaptations and create your own adapted creature for an environment.
We'll look at different kinds of animal body parts and why they are useful tools for the environments they live in. Then we'll use our imagination to create an animal of our own built to survive and thrive in it's own habitat.
MIM: Sphero (Robot) Painting
Ages 7-15
July 10, 2019
Minds in Motion: UofC presents
We will be dipping remote controlled robots in paint and trying to get them to do things that make art.
Rain or Shine (shine we will be doing this outside, rain inside).
Full-Day Drop-in Subject to Availability (50.00/9:00-4:00)
Pre/Post Care by Request
Young Paleontologist and Fossil Maker Workshop
Ages 5-12
July 08, 2019
This workshop is designed to spark curiosity about fossils and excavation. Everyone will take home a real fossil of their own and one that they make using plaster.
We'll learn more about how fossils are formed and learn about the ways digging through ancient rock can teach us about history.
- learn about how fossils are formed
- use tools to dig out real fossils from sandy rock
- make our own fossils using plaster and clay impressions
- bring home a fossil from the dig
- older children will be able to polish a piece of amber
- handle/examine real fossils and artifacts for origin clues
Full-Day Drop-in Subject to Availability (50.00/9:00-4:00)
Pre/Post Care by Request
MiM: Ozobots and Encryption
ages 7-12
July 02, 2019
n this Codemakers workshop students will learn how to code using colours! Students will learn how to speak the language of computers through tiny robots and are sure to become producers, not just users of technology! This workshop is also themed around unraveling the mystery of encryptions. They will learn not only how computers protect vital information they'll create vital information that only people with the correct key can unlock! No computers required! This workshop has been adapted to fit Grades 4 - 9.
10:30 -12:00 or 12:30-2:00
April 18, 2019
15.00 (25.00 for 2)
Ages 5-11
Presented by Wings and Wishes:
What is the difference between a butterfly and a moth? Where do insects spend the winter? How do spiders eat? Butterfly life stages are displayed, along with a selection of other safe and friendly "creepy crawlies" including hissing cockroaches, tarantulas, scorpions and other backyard bugs and surprises. We'll explore the diversity and differences between critters (arachnids, insects, and more), wild verses pet animals, and debunk some common myths about our garden guardians. Educational, lively and entertaining.
Included in the workshop:
1 hr presentation
interaction with live insects and displays depicting life cycles
30 minute play
Minimum Registration required.
FIRST AID/CPR Certification
Blended Online/1 Day Practical
May 04, 2019
Practical day is Saturday, May 4th
Standard First Aid and CPR (C) Certification - DISCOUNT CODE AVAILABLE!
Blended Online/1 Day Practical
This course is presented by Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine and includes a 1 day practical following 6-8 hours of online coursework and exams.
The online portion of the course MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR to the practical day. Attendees will not be allowed to participate in the practical instruction/exams if they have not completed the online portion.
Any questions?
CHILDCARE IS AVAILABLE ONSITE BY REQUEST (10.00 per child for the full day)
Expressive Arts Class
Ages 5-9
March 26, 2019
25.00 full or 10.00/per drop in
March 12, 2019
Worms Love Leftovers gives children a peek into the amazing world of worms and how they help recycle organic waste, turning it into healthy living soil.
Bring your lunch!
This is an unparented class and includes a workshop by Green Calgary as well as time for play and exploration @ Wild Child
Please bring weather appropriate gear for playing outside (gear library available)
Fundraising 101
Ages 12+ 10:00-12:30
March 04, 2019
We are hosting a fundraising effort this spring to help purchase the equipment and the supplies necessary to plant some 20 tress on our forest school site.
As an effort to keep in the spirit of community building and authentic learning experiences we have decided to offer a class that will engage 5-7 young volunteers through the organizational stages of the fundraising process.
This group will manage public relations (answering emails, making cold calls), marketing (posters, advertising and social media), project planning and keeping track of the money. We will be visiting local businesses to ask them to support our efforts and we will be organizing the main pick-up event as well as the supplementary events.
This class is FREE but each participant must commit to selling at least 5 items from the product list. Participants will also receive a letter outlining their contributions to the group and the skills/experience they developed.
Registration is ongoing until the group is at capacity
March 4, March 18, April 1, April 8
April 24, 25, 26 (pick up and delivery Days)
Yoga and Mindfulness Practice
Ages 7-12
January 24, 2019
Thursdays: Jan 24, Feb 7, 21, 28 March 7 and 14
In this 6 week session there are 3 options to consider. Yoga in the am (75.00 for 6 weeks) or Intermediate Carving in the pm (75.00) or the full day option which includes both programs and lunch supervision (125.00). The Yoga class will be centered on a playful yoga practice including some mindfulness and reflection activities led by Steph with input from the group. The afternoon will be spent focused on wood carving, introducing new skills and practicing techniques with specialty carving knives and tricks led by Kaykima Wildnerness School. Beginner carvers will be asked to take a 30 minute safety and introductory lesson with Rob from 12:30-1:00 on the first class day.
If you are interested in the full day please indicate so on the registration form.
Intermediate Carving with Kaykima
Ages 7-12
January 24, 2019
Thursdays: Jan 24, Feb 7, 21, 28 March 7 and 14
In this 6 week session there are 3 options to consider. Yoga in the am (75.00 for 6 weeks) or Intermediate Carving in the pm (75.00) or the full day option which includes both programs and lunch supervision (125.00). The Yoga class will be centered on a playful yoga practice including some mindfulness and reflection activities led by Steph with input from the group. The afternoon will be spent focused on wood carving, introducing new skills and practicing techniques with specialty carving knives and tricks led by Kaykima Wildnerness School. Beginner carvers will be asked to take a 30 minute safety and introductory lesson with Rob from 12:30-1:00 on the first class day.
If you are interested in full day please indicate so on the registration form.
Dungeons and Dragons: Intro/Character Workshop
January 01, 2020
Feb 19th.
Ages 9-14years
This workshop is a primer for those of us who have never played Dungeons & Dragons before or who have only played it once and didn't feel like they understood the game. This course would be appropriate for anyone who is curious about the game, wants to start playing with others or who is interested in playing with more advanced players.
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a role playing game guided by a Dungeon Master who is essentially the master storyteller. Players create characters and embark on a story quest that involves problem solving, making tough choices, an element of chance and the unforeseen challenges that come with the story arc of the game. At first this game is intimidating for beginners as there seems to be a lot of rules and protocols to understand but once you learn the basics the game is a lot of fun and becomes very immersive.
D&D has also proven to be a good way to explore emotional intelligence, theatrical and storytelling skills, problem solving and creative/critical thinking skills.
This class will be led by a seasoned Dungeon Master who is also an educator and nature lover, Teague Urquhart.
- A mini lesson about the game
- An intro to the rules (walk-through of turn taking)
- Character construction and backstory
- More if there is time
Robotics Kit + Tutorial: Solar Dragonfly
Ages 10-15
February 12, 2019
Join us for a build day with a tutorial for the CYBUGS Solar Dragon Fly with the creator Craig Maynard. Course fees include the kit (available separately for 30.00). Craig is a retired SAIT robotics instructor and has agreed to supervise while we build the kit, . Workshop will include solder, soldering irons and safety glasses. We will break for lunch and some run-around time. *May need to be completed at home if not finished in the time allotted*
10:00-2:30 (lunch and snacks/play and workshop)
ages 10-15
Class size limited to 5 participants
CYBORGS (Solar Dragon Fly) is an electronic "artificial lifeform" DIY kit.
Easy to build design
Over 30 parts
Clear, educational instructions
Cool "dragonfly" styling
Two "switchable" modes of operation
-Solar Mode
-9V Battery Mode
Flexible, bendable solar cell
Hyper-sensitive phototropic ( light seeking ) behaviour
Chloroplast Solar Engine
Dual obstacle avoidance feelers with memory
Gloss black high quality circuit board with silkscreen
Fire And Flow with Kaykima and Steph Grant Yoga
Inside Yoga and Movement in the morning with fire building in the afternoon.
December 05, 2018
Wednesday, Dec 5th
Flow and Fire
Ages: 5-11 30.00 (siblings 20.00 each)
Join us at Wild Child for a full day of fun, flow and fire.
We will spend the morning with movement games and yoga flow in the cozy warm cabin nestled in the trees.
After lunch, some freeplay and a course on building and lighting a proper winter fire with Kaykima. The warmth makes being outside so much more enjoyable.
Please dress for the weather (extra gear is available to borrow).
Felting Workshop: Holiday Ornaments
Ages 5-11
December 11, 2018
Tuesday, Dec 11 2019
Join us for a relaxed felting workshop that will support the making of an ornament while learning or practicing felting techniques. All supplies included (Roving is locally sourced)
Please bring a snack, water bottle and gear for playing outside in the snow.
Full Day Available:
Woodland Workshop 10:00-4:00 for 30.00 drop-in (register for multiple days to save!)
Felting Class is included in the day rate. for more information
BW&W: Reptiles & Amphibians (Live animal presentation)
Ages 5-15
November 15, 2018
11:30-1:30 (2 hours)
Class 1:
1:45-3:45 (2 hours)
Class 2
Live Animal Presentation from Wings and Wishes (out of Edmonton):
How many kinds of frogs do we have in Alberta? How many kinds of toads? Snakes? Or Salamanders? Examples of these are brought in for a visit with the kids for an exciting, safe and memorable hands-on learning experience focused on native species, but with a side-by-side comparison of beautiful, charismatic exotic animals we can all fall in love with.
Suitable for all ages
Curriculum base: Gr2, "Small Crawling and Flying," Gr3, "Hearing and Sound," Gr3, "Animal Life Cycles."
Please specify which time/class you would prefer when you send the registration form through.
Sibling Rates: -5.00 for each sibling attending
AWIC: Bat Basics
Ages 5-10
October 22, 2018
Bat Basics provides an introduction to Alberta’s nine bat species, and discusses their life histories, major threats, and how having bats around directly benefits humans. Though no live bats are present during this program, biofacts and mounts are used to illustrate the differences between bat species.
Following the workshop we will create some art in a few ways using paint and bat silhouettes.
AIWC: Animal Adaptations
Ages 5-10
September 24, 2018
From 10:00-2:00
The Adaptations program focuses on the fascinating physical and behavioural characteristics of local wildlife that help them to survive in their environments. Features such as feathers, fur, talons, whiskers, and nocturnal and migratory behaviours are discussed.
Following the workshop we will be pulling out some collage materials to create our own creature mash-up using multi-media to mix and match creature features.
Water Bottle
Warm layers
Bannock for Breakfast
Ages 7-14
September 17, 2018
Join Kaykima Wilderness Skills for a campfire breakfast. We will be mixing and cooking bannock over an open fire, complete with a little butter, jam and stories around the fire. This is a great introduction to campfire safety and cooking in the wild.
AWIC Presents: World of Owls
Ages 5-11
July 26, 2018
This program delves into the 11 species of owls found in Alberta. Participants will learn about the special adaptations of these nocturnal birds of prey, how to identify local species of owls, and even dissect an owl pellet!
Day includes space/time to play before and after the workshop. Please bring snacks, water bottle and weather appropriate clothing.
*NEW* Minds in Motion: Virtual Disection Workshop
Ages 7-12
August 01, 2018
Kids will have the opportunity to use technology to learn about dissection practices and the anatomy of animals all through a technological dissection program! They will also learn about the benefits of virtual dissections and other virtual reality activities.
Space to play on either side of the presentation will be provided.
*NEW* Minds in Motion: Virtual Reality Tourist
Ages 7-12
August 01, 2018
Kids will have the opportunity to use technology to travel to different countries/attractions and explore using virtual reality. We will visit places like Mt. Everest, The Great Wall of China and other places that are not so easy to get to.
Space to play on either side of the presentation will be provided.
Animal Masks Playshop: Presented by Theatre A-Go-Go
Ages 7-12
August 13, 2018
August 13-17
Participants will arrive at Wild Child and have the opportunity to play with masks. We will explore how we can transform ourselves into the animals as we mimic behaviour and movements. We can become anything in the magical forest!
Theatre improv work helps to build flexible thinking and emotional intelligence. The week-long intensive will allow participants to build confidence and comfort over the 5 day week. As we value process over product, there will be no final show for this program.
Participants are welcome to spend the whole day at Wild Child for the weekly fee of 200.00 or an additional 25.00 per day drop-in rate. (9:00-4:00)
(FULL) Spoon Carving with Kaykima Wilderness Camps
Ages 7-12
July 04, 2018
“Making a spoon is easy. Start with a piece of wood and remove everything that doesn’t look like a spoon.” — Steve Schuler, Author
Join us for an afternoon of carving spoons with Kaykima Wilderness Camps We will be outside or inside depending of the weather.
The option to stay all day is available for the daily drop-in fee of 50.00 which includes both workshops and lunch/play supervision. (subject to availability)
(FULL) Minds in Motion: Virtual Disection Workshop
Ages 7-12
July 04, 2018
Kids will have the opportunity to use technology to learn about dissection practices and the anatomy of animals all through a technological dissection program! They will also learn about the benefits of virtual dissections and other virtual reality activities.
The option to stay all day is available for the daily drop-in fee of 50.00 which includes both workshops and lunch/play supervision. (subject to availability)
River Safety Course: Presented by Inside Out Experiences
Fridays: June 1 and June 8 (12:30-2:00)
June 01, 2018
Ages 10-16
50.00 (includes both days)
Part 1: Swift Water Safety (How to cross, where to cross)
Part 2: Swift Water Rescue (Urgency and Emergency Safety)
Course will be presented and supervised by certified river guides and will take place in Bragg Creek, AB.
More details to come.
Little Inventors (Inventions for Space)
March 29, 2018
Ages 5 - 11
This year, Little Inventors SPACE invites children to turn their imaginations to the challenges of living in space with the help of astronaut David Saint-Jacques! We will be looking at life in space and imagining items or tools that could make life in space more fun or help get things done.
We will participate as a group using the NSERC Space Challenge resource pack, iMax videos and creativity inspiration to inspire inventions that could make life easier in space.
All ideas will be submitted the contest via scanning/email so participants will be able to take everything from the class home. Selected ideas will be brought to life through a collaboration with makers or artisans.